Is our online consultation enough through our form to properly diagnose my urine infection and get a treatment?

Yes. Our form complies with the requirements for the use of new digital technologies for medical consultations, and provides all the necessary information to make a diagnosis of urine infection and after being valued by our specialists to be able to prescribe a personalized treatment.

What if I get worse?

In most cases, the discomfort of a urinary infection should be greatly improved with the recommended treatment in the next 24-48 hours.

If, after 72 hours from the start of treatment (3 days), discomfort persists or fever appears, you should consult a health care center (you may have a complicated urine infection or it may be resistant to the prescribed antibiotic).

Is the recipe valid in my country?  fulfills the legal requirements of cross-border European recipes, included in the Royal Decree 1718/2010, of December 17, about medical prescription and dispensing orders, published in the BOE January 20, 2011 Ref. BOE-A-2011-1013 and revised on December 23, 2015, as well as in accordance with the regulation of official prescriptions and the special requirements for prescribing and dispensing narcotic drugs for human use, Royal Decree 1675/2012, of December 14. Ref. BOE-A-2012-15711 and the European Parliament and Council Directive 2011/24/EU, of 9 March 2011 on the implementation of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare and on Commission Implementing Directive 2012/52 /EU of 20 December 2012 laying down measures to facilitate the recognition of medical prescription issued in another Member State.

In this way our prescriptions have validity throughout the European territory (including United Kingdom), and this is the reason why you should be able to get the percribed drug by presenting it in any pharmacy.

For countries outside the European Union, I recommend you check your country’s prescription regulations.

What happens if they don’t want to give me my treatment at a pharmacy?

All our prescriptions are valid throughout the European territory, so you should be able to get your prescribed drug by presenting it at any pharmacy. If the pharmacy doesn’t facilitate your treatment, it could be the case that they didn’t know the current legislation on cross-border prescription drugs. In that case, if after explaining the total legal and medical validity of your prescription, the refusal persists, go to another pharmacy where you will probably not get caught.

What happens if I am pregnant?

Infection in pregnancy is quite common. However, there are genital and pregnancy abnormalities that can be mistaken for a urine infection. Since the use of antibiotics during pregnancy should be as restricted as possible based on a risk-benefit (an untreated urine infection is at risk of progressing to a pyelonephritis or an increased risk of preterm birth), it is advisable to perform a culture of urine in case there is not a correct evolution, and perform a physical examination, since in we prioritize the well-being of your baby and yours, so we recommend a face-to-face assessment by a specialist

What happens if I don´t have urine infection and I don´t need any treatment?

If our experts analyze your sympotms and they consider you don´t have infection and you don´t need any treatment, nothing will be charged to you.  Only, if you have urine infection and you need medical prescription, you will be invited to pay your medical query.

Is it mandatory to use a reactive strip of urine?

It isn’t mandatory, but recommended. A strip of urine gives us more information. 

My child may have a urinary tract infection. Can I make the request?

As long as your child is over 15 years old there is no problem. Below this age, due to variable forms of presentation, it’s necessary to perform an exploration to rule out organic or functional causes (at a younger age at presentation, there is a greater probability of organic or functional alterations), and more individualized treatment based on weight and age, urinaryinfection365. com recommends face-to-face care for a correct assessment and adequacy in treatment.